* If you have not created an e-Nabız account before, you should first creat an account via e-Devlet. While you create an account you should create a password for yourself and login to e-Nabız with the password created.
How can I register through e-Devlet Portal?

Register through e-Devlet

Please log in e-Nabız System with your password

Login with e-Devlet

* You can login with e-Devlet password.

Login with e-İmza

* You can login with your e-İmza.

Family Physician Login

* You can login with e-government password to create temporary e-Nabız password for the patient.

COVID-19 Test Results

* You can download your report for COVID-19 test.

Example e-Nabız account

* You can view an example e-Nabız account here.

What's on e-Nabız?

* You can watch the e-Nabız introduction video.

e-Nabız Call Center

0850 240 03 03


Login with e-Devlet

* You can login with e-Devlet password.

Login with e-İmza

* You can login with your e-İmza.

Family Physician Login

* You can login with e-government password to create temporary e-Nabız password for the patient.

COVID-19 Test Results

* You can download your report for COVID-19 test.

Example e-Nabız account

* You can view an example e-Nabız account here.

What's on e-Nabız?

* You can watch the e-Nabız introduction video.

Closest Hospital

Closest Night-Pharmacy

Body Mass Index

Calculate Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

e-Nabız Personal Health System Security Module v.2.0